MissionNET is a page dedicated to Funcom's Anarchy Online, a MMORPG based 30,000 years in the future. MissionNET is intended to act as a central news post area for all clan members, a place where clan members can get information on clan events, raids and other assorted news bits. All clan and guild members are encouraged to submit news to us here.
MissionNET is almost completely designed "in character" which means that the page is laid out as if it were actually run by the people in the game from their perspectives. So you will not likely see any info on game patches or Funcom updates anywhere on the page. For that type of stuff, you can visit Doublegold's very AO friendly news post here.
Here's a quick summary of how the pages work:
-Image Feeds: Screenshots, that's it.
-Reports: Where info sent to us if filed,like raid info, clan events etc.
Thisis the message hub after the newswire.
-Members: People who are part of the Mission specifically. Info on joining is
listed there as well (in the form of a link).
-Most Wanted: What it says, but willbe expanded from just NPC's to PC's as well as
the game goes on.
-Programs: Downloads for AO, like server listers, character planners etc.
-Instructions: Tutorials and help files for the game.
-Network: Links
-Contact: Email Mission team members and the main site.
Remember, MissionNET is designed for all clan members to submit to. For the site to be successful and informative, we need the support of the players in way of filing reports, sending us news and writing tutorials and creating maps. This is a community site, so we hope you'll all act in turn. Thank you.